
Monday, March 19, 2007

wake up Becky, get out of bedded!!!!

hello, (she says wiping the sleepy dust from her sleepy eyes,) have I missed something? I've been having lovely dreams of spending all my time sitting around knitting drinking coffee and eating cake, surrounded by wool (she gives herself a pinch) am I still dreaming? have I really been knitting late into the night, chatting, caking, sorting out the world?

Well I said I'd be back, and true to my word, here I am. It has been a while, but I am now out of hibernation, and it feels good.... lets see if I can stay awake!!!!

Was going to put up a picture, hey, one step at a time, maybe next time.


Blogger artyfartykat said...

Hurrah!! She's back!!!
No, you haven't missed anything, except World War 3!!
Had a brill time last night, cake was gorgeous!! Looking forward to the cinema!

5:53 PM  
Blogger Craftydramaqueen said...

HURRAY!!!!! You are back! The Maltester cake was fabulous.

6:52 PM  
Blogger acrylik said...

Marvellous to see you back! The choccy cake was just beautiful - more please for next time :)

6:10 PM  

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