
Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Good times had by all at Knit Knots yesterday, we ate (mince pies, cranberry cookies and bananna cake) Drank (lots of caffine based drinks!!) and were incredibly merry ( thanks to the endophines released by the repetitive process of knitting!!!) Thanks everyone for coming, (especially those of you who pointed out I hadn't been a good blogger recently....again....what will Santa think????) Never mind I'm making up for it now.
I have been tagged by Carrie-Anne to come up with a list of 6 wierd things about myself. I used to think I was quite Wierd, but it seems to be quite hard to come up with a list.
After much thinking, here is what I came up with:

1. Volcanos. I have always had a fear of volcanos, when I was little I can remember Waking up after a nightmare, and my mum reasuring me that there were no volcanos anywhere near, I'm still not comfortable seeing them on telly even now.

2. Wrists. I can't stand anything around my wrists, which is why I don't like wearing a watch, and when I do I have it half way up my arm so it looks odd.

3.Chalk. When I was pregnant with Maisy I had a craving for chalk, this was totally wierd, knew it wasn't right but I just couldn't stop myself!!!

4. I have been arrested..........

5. When I peg out the washing on the line I like to make sure if I use two pegs they are matching!!!

6. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm ?????? have to think a little harder for number six I'm sure there must be something else, I'll have to ask around.

Hope some of those are wierd enough.
I will be back as soon as I have thought of my final Wierdity.


Blogger artyfartykat said...

You're back......again!! I must do my weird things too!!
How could you eat chalk? Yeuchhhh!
It was lovely to see you on Monday and I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas.

4:31 PM  
Blogger acrylik said...

That's scary about number 1. And we need to know more about number 4!!

Have a wonderful Christmas! xx

6:04 PM  
Blogger Craftydramaqueen said...

Ditto no. 4! Sorry I missed Monday night, I didn't realise it was on- doh! I've added my cravings as my no. 6!

7:53 PM  

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